
Hello, I'm Stephen.

I'm a 15,139 day-old 👴 web designer/developer based in Manchester, England who has been messing around with code since High School - which wasn't multiple decades ago, shut up.

I've always been excited about the possibilities the digital world allows; from simple command-line applications to full-stack web applications serving up helpful info to thousands of users. 💻

As far as my experience goes; I've been around the block a few times.

I've spent multiple years in different areas; working for smaller digital studios, working as an employee at larger corporations, and working solo as a freelancer.

For the last few years, I've been working in-house as a front-end developer for a company in Manchester, and in my spare time making web applications such as fretmap.app which some people actually use and mydarts.app which people don't.

During this whole time, there's been a (near constant) voice in my head going: “You should be making games, that would be fun.” 🕹️ and I have, albeit small, simple ones.

But I'd like to know how to make real games, games people might actually play, games people can really engage with that take them somewhere else. Games they discuss with friends, or online with like-minded people.

Anyway, that's where I am currently. Writing this out and trying to make it make sense; but also trying to plan out a future which gets me going in the direction I want to go; learning to make real games, while hopefully avoiding going crazy and bankrupt.

Please feel free to browse my wares, or get in touch.

All the best,

Stephen. 👋